This is easily my favorite time of year. It always has been. I love all of it, especially right about now during the holiday season. Although this year looks different, coming home for Thanksgiving Break felt just as, if not more, special. I hadn’t seen my brothers since August and hadn’t seen my parents much either due to travel restrictions. Thanksgiving Day was different, but not in a bad way for us. We still woke up, watched a bit of the Macy’s Day Parade and began our cooking, enjoying the day just the five of us. We hadn’t been together in so long we didn’t really notice how different our holiday was this year.
The real difference is that this year we’re all home for good. My two younger brothers are also doing remote learning. Let’s just say it’s been a while since we’ve all had to share the same space. There’s only a few weeks left until the end of the semester, but it definitely feels funny to not be setting up camp in Shain Library and waking up early to claim that cubicle that you feel so attached to for some reason. I’ve been working to adjust and make a space at home just as comfortable as my spot on the third floor of the library. It’s been really important for me to separate myself from my sleeping space to create a sense of normalcy, so I’ve taken over the guest room in our home and made myself a little desk facing the window, using the bed as my book holder. I’m the type of person who needs silence to work (which is why I usually live in the third floor of the library where noise is prohibited) so being upstairs away from my brothers has been really helpful. My days, while different, have been very nice as I begin to get into a routine. As a senior, I have grown to appreciate this time at home, getting to eat with my family and walk with my mom every day, knowing that I may never have time like this again.